DCTI - Anca Udristoiu

Te afli aici: Profil > Proiecte de cercetare

Proiecte de cercetare

  • Improving Cancer Diagnostics in Flexible Endoscopy using Artificial Intelligence and Medical Robotics- IDEAR, Contract No. 19/2020, Executive Unit for the Financing of Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation (UEFISCDI) of the Ministry of National Education via the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 project RO-NO-2019-0138, 19/2020, Director: Lucian Gruionu. 

  • PREdictive Machine Learning Algorithm for the Dynamic Evaluation of Pancreatic Cancer during Therapy Multimodal Therapy - PREDYCT, code PN-III-P4-ID-PCE2020-0884 within PNCDI III, Executive Unit for the Financing of Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation (UEFISCDI) of the Ministry of National Education. Director: Adrian Saftoiu.

  • Consolidarea capacitatii de cercetare-dezvoltare in imagistica si tehnologie avansata pentru proceduri medicale minim invazive-iMTECH, contract nr. 65/08-09-2016. Director: Gabriel Gruionu.
  • Software System for Content- Based Visual Retrieval in Multimedia Databases, code 169, duration: 2007-2008, financed by the Romanian Ministry of Education and Research - CNCSIS, Director: Anca Udristoiu.
  • Informatic System for Content-Based Query of Multimedia Databases with Medical Images (SIBIM) – grant Parteneriat, D11 045/14.09.2007, financed by the Romanian Ministry of Education and Research, amount: 670.000 RON, duration 2007-2009, Director: Prof. Dumitru Dan Burdescu.
  • On-Line Software System for Content Based Query of The Multimedia Databases Resulting by Extracting Data from Dicom Standard Files –grant no. 629/2007, amount: 92.000 RON, financed by the Romanian Ministry of Education and Research, CNCSIS, Director: conf. dr. eng. Liana Stanescu.
  • Algorithms for Medical Multimedia Databases Processing and Querying -grant no. 155/2006, financed by the Romanian Ministry of Education and Research, CNCSIS, amount: 92.000 RON, Director: prof. Dumitru Dan Burdescu.
  • Research in the Development and Integration of Medical Imageng Systems and Distributed Databases – grant code 316, financed by the Romanian Ministry of Education and Research – CNCSIS, amount: 15.400 RON, Director: Prof. Mihai Mocanu.
  • Multimedia Database with Distributed Support for Medical Imaging – grant code 280, financed by the Romanian Ministry of Education and Research, CNCSIS, amount: 27.700 RON, duration 2005-2006, Director: prof. Dumitru Dan Burdescu.
  • New Algorithms for Content Based Retrieval in Multimedia Databases - grant Romania Academy, no. 153/05.08.2005, amount: 3.000 RON, Director: Prof. Dumitru Dan Burdescu.
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Facultatea de Automatică, Calculatoare și Electronică,
Blvd. Decebal nr. 107, RO-200440, Craiova, România